One of the most famous travelers in history is undoubtedly Marco Polo His existence is sometimes questioned, but most likely he actually lived and actually made the journey he described.
– Marco Polo was born into a merchant family in the mid-13th century. [At the age of 17, he left his native Venice with his uncle and father on a long journey to the Far East.
– His destination was Beijing, the capital of China.
Hearn welcomed them with open arms. Three years later, they finally arrived at their destination. During that time they traveled an incredible 9,000 kilometers.
o Why did they go to a country ruled by the ruthless Kublai Khan?
o Because this emperor was known to have no real quarrel with prisoners.
– But the Pol brothers knew what they were doing. [Khan was an old friend of theirs. [15 years earlier, they were the first Europeans to visit him.
Khan may have been a ruthless ruler,but he was not stupid. It was clear that another culture would enrich his country; on his second visit, Hahn was particularly impressed by the personality of the youngMarco Pol. Marco was a delightful storyteller. In addition, he was very wise. He knew four languages. –Hahn appointed him envoy.

He returned home after 17 years. After seventeen long years, they decided to return home. Khan persuaded them for a while, but they finally agreed to leave.
o The return journey was not so difficult.
o They did part of it by boat.
For six months they stopped at the islandof Sumatra. They waited for favorable winds. They returned home very rich. Their old neighbors were very surprised at their return. They thought they were all long dead.
o The return journey was not so difficult.
o They did part of it by boat.
For six months they stopped at the islandof Sumatra. They waited for favorable winds. They returned home very rich. Their old neighbors were very surprised at their return. They thought they were all long dead.